Masterson Method®

The Masterson Method of Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork comprises of two basic categories of techniques: those that release tension in situ, and those that release tension through range of motion in a relaxed state.

Jim Masterson the founder, became interested in equine massage in 1997 successfully treating USET Endurance Teams, other equine clientele range from FEI World Cup, Pan American and World Games competitions horses. There was a demand from fellow equine professionals to learn his soft approach that they saw work so well on the horses so devised this extensive training program. Jim’s vision has grown across the globe with over 480 MMCP world wide, now there are MMCPs here in Norway!

It is a modality any one can learn by anyone and soon will introduce the Beyond Horse Massage Weekend Seminar-Workshop to Norway soon.

Myofascial Release

What is fascia?

Fascia runs through the body, covering muscle, bones, holds every organ, blood vessel, nerve fibre in place, it is one continuous structure and you will recognise is as the slippery film wrapped around a chicken breast and that silver sinew running through your steak. Fascia can become dysfunctional through stress, injury and surgery.

releasing tension in fascia

A manual therapy aims to reduce pain and improve mobility with gentle pressure and stretching the tissue. The manipulation will break up adhesions or knots in the fascia, rehydrating and improving flexibility and mobility. Muscles, joins and structures held in the fascia function better, increasing delivery of vital substances required for improved performance. Myofascial release (aka MFL) can help decrease scar tissue that has built up from surgery or injury, whether it is superficial lumpy scar or deeper in the body.

My work with fascia is mostly visible scaring such as cuts and surgeries, superficial fascia of the muscles from head to tail, reading the response of the horse and feeling the direction for the best effect.

what is acupuncture

Is a practice in Traditional Chinese Medicine where needles are inserted in to key points on the body to balance the life energy or Qi. It Balances the Meridians of the body to create balance, promote healing and relaxation. An accredited acupuncturist will take many things in to consideration when treating your animals.

Why is acupressure different

Acupressure is non invasive pressure with your fingers or light therapy on the same points of the body. The benefit is that you can feel the changes in the point under your fingers as well as read the response of the horse.

Many Modalities search for a response that coincide with the Meridians and their trigger points and has been successfully employed to aid recovery and balance. This is how I include acupressure in my practise.

What is Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique for promoting healing by reducing stress and creating relaxation by laying hands on or over the 7 Chakras of the body creating balance throughout. Although spiritual in nature it is not a religion.

How I bring Reiki to my every day

Being attuned to Reiki when attending a level one course had a profound effect on me and I continue to work on my self and carry the ethos in to my work.

How to get the best out of a treatment.

set your horse up for success

We all have busy lives and have to fit in where possible but try and book the appointment time that suits your horses routine. Make sure the horse is fed, watered, relaxed and happy. Ideally we would not want to work on a horse that has just been worked and we advise that if they can not have a day off to only do light work. Its great for the horse if they can get some turn out or walked in hand for half an hour so they can feel the changes in the body after a massage. A dry, sheltered area with room to work around the horse in safety for all involved.

It has been found beneficial to have a treatment before shoeing but a few days after the dentist.

So that we can build a picture of your horse for the continued care we will ask you a few questions about your horses past health and medical conditions, any veterinary issues, any performance issues and your general routine of care.